Our Purpose

RCity RVoice is a user-powered movement striving to amplify the voices of our community to fight for equality, build empathy, and humanize causes through stories, art, photos, and poetry. Our mission is to document, preserve, and share the voices of Raleigh and the Triangle with authenticity and transparency.

RCity RVoice was founded by a collaborative of creatives based out of Raleigh, NC looking to use their skills to give back to the community. What started as a small video project turned into a means to amplify and connect individual voices while creating a space for all to be heard.

"Design has the ability to connect, empower, and help us recognize the interplay of systems and humans. As designers, and frankly as human beings, we have to ask ourselves: Are we providing users, especially those who are underserved, or marginalized in society, a sense of agency? In order to define opportunities for change that give voice to those who have been disenfranchised or marginalized, we need to listen and create spaces for these voices to be heard."

- Paola Amparan, Designer and Co-Founder of RCity RVoice

Building Community through Storytelling.

Through storytelling and art, people can directly experience the power of narrative to create meaningful connections with each other, the community, and our shared history.

Stories build empathy. Empathy fuels collaboration.

When we can see the vulnerability, authenticity, pain, and triumph behind the pixels on a screen we can work to truly listen, understand, and contextualize narratives in ways that humanize the individual. Each voice on this platform is  a friend, colleague, relative, or neighbor that make up the community we live, work, and participate in.

Placing the power of the narrative back into the hands of the people.

RCity RVoice is user-powered and user owned. We do not seek to profit from, control, or misrepresent the voices of our community. We will stand with you and work to share your voice with authenticity.

Users will always retain the right to edit or remove any or all parts of what you share on this platform. The power of your narrative belongs to you.

We welcome all voices and perspectives but we will not tolerate hate, violence, racism, or prejudice of any kind.

The purpose of this platform is to document, preserve, and share the individual voices of our community.  We built this space as a judgement free place of acceptance, respect and hope for all.

We invite you to share your story, resources, and invite open conversation. Share your story here.

hear our voice